Second Battle of Manassas

August 28-30, 1862

(1) Route of Jackson's Turning Movement

Lee dispatched Stonewall Jackson on a daring raid to cut Pope's communications before Pope could receive massive reinforcements. Marching nearly 25 miles a day, Jackson burned the supply depot at Manassas, then positioned himself behind an unfinished railroad grade to await the arrival of General Lee with Longstreet's wing. Pope moved to crush Jackson.

(2) Second Manassas August 29, 1862

As his units arrived, Pope attacked Jackson. A spirited bayonet charge by Grover momentarily broke through. Kearny and Stevens forced back Jackson's left, but the Confederates tenaciously held. Lee and Longstreet arrived at noon. Diverted by Union movements to the south however, Longstreet did not participate in the fighting, except for Hood's collision with Hatch at dusk.

(3) Second Manassas, August 30, 1862

Dismissing reports of Longstreet's concealed presence, Pope furiously assailed Jackson's front, but was repulsed. Lee seized the opportunity to counterattack with Longstreet's fresh divisions. Warren's brigade was nearly annihilated. Pope, desperate to save his army from ruin, shifted units to confront Longstreet. A dogged stand on Henry Hill ended the battle. Union casualties were about 1700 killed, 8400 wounded, and 4200 missing - 14,300. Lee lost about 1600 killed, 7800 wounded, 100 missing - 9500.

Marker can be reached from Lee Highway (U.S. 29), on the right when traveling west.


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