Sidney Yates Building (Auditors Building Complex)

The structure now known as the Sydney Yates Building began its life as the Auditors Building Complex and was originally home to the Bureau of Engraving and Printing. Established in 1861, the Bureau of Engraving and Printing quickly outgrew its original home in the top floor of the U.S. Treasury Building and, by 1878, the government was actively seeking a new place to house the bureau.

Congress appropriated funds for the construction of the new building and Washington philanthropist William W. Corcoran funded the purchase of land for the project adjacent to the National Mall. Supervising architect for the U.S. Treasury, James G. Hill, was charged with the structures design and within only a month of the land purchase ground was being broken.

The building was rapidly completed and opened in July of 1880. James Hill chose a Romanesque style for the building with features, such as only one primary ground floor entrance, added due to the secure nature of the Bureau of Engraving and Printings work.

As the bureau grew, a series of annexes were added to the original structure to accommodate the expanding staff, but by 1914 the Engraving and Printing Bureau again needed to find a larger home. The U.S. Treasury's Auditor's office filled the space at this time, lending its title to the name of the building.

Between 1987 and 1990, the building was renovated for use by the U.S. Department of Agriculture, becoming home to the U.S. Forest Service. In 1999, the building was renamed in honor of long time congressman and chair of the Interior subcommittee Sidney R. Yates. During his more than four decades in Congress, the Illinois representative was a champion for the conservation of natural resources and helped to secure support for the United States Holocaust Museum, which is now adjacent to the building that bears his name.

Today, visitors to the Forest Service Headquarters can learn more about the agency's work, history, and future through a series of public exhibits

Credits and Sources:

"Auditors Complex, Annex Buildings HABS No. DC-524." Accessed October 21, 2015.