Significant Dates in Fayetteville History

Significant dates in Fayetteville history include: Incorporated town in 1836; Old Wire road from Jefferson City, Mo. to Ft. Smith cut in 1835; Washington County Fair first held on the Square in 1856; first telegraph installed around 1860; Butterfield Stage Coach Lines served from 1836 until the first passenger train arrived on July 4, 1882, then the coaches were used for local transportation until the early 1900’s; oil lights illuminated the Square until 1888 when electricity was installed; in 1889 waterworks and sewers first installed through improvement district and operation assumed by the City in 1906; Fayetteville selected the site for the University of Arkansas in 1871; city library founded in 1916; Methodist Episcopal Church founded the Western Methodist Assembly on Mount Sequoia in 1920 when Fayetteville gave the church 400 acres of land and $35,000 cash; the Square was first paved in 1921; Radio at the University first broadcast as KUOA in 1922; and Veteran’s Hospital established in 1934 with the donation “watermelon hill” given to the USA by Fayetteville for that purpose.

Dedicated to the City of Fayetteville by Donald E. and Edna Bumpass and Ron E. Bumpass

Marker is at the intersection of Center Street and East Avenue, on the left when traveling west on Center Street.


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