Site of Milford's First Methodist Church

The beginning of Methodism in this community

can be traced to the organization of a local

“society” in 1777. Early meetings were held

in the homes of its members. On December 3, 1787,

Joseph Oliver conveyed a lot of ground at this

location for the purpose of “building a preaching

house or church” for the Methodists. A frame

chapel was constructed here and completed in 1790.

The growth and prosperity of the congregation

resulted in the construction of an addition to

the church in 1800. Prominent visitors included

Methodist pioneers Francis Asbury and Freeborn


The building continued to serve the congregation

until 1842, when a new church was constructed

across the street at the northwest corner of Third

and North Streets. The old building was then sold

and moved. Interments here had commenced in the late

18th century, and following removal of the first

church, the site was used exclusively as a burial

ground for members. Notable burials include those

of Peter F. Causey, Governor of Delaware (1855-1859),

and Civil War General Alfred T. A. Torbert.

Marker is at the intersection of North Street and NW 3rd Street, on the right when traveling north on North Street.


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