The Smith House

The Smith House

The Smith House on Lot 53 in Yorktown was a part of the late colonial and 1781 Yorktown scene, having been standing since 1751.    On February 10, 1706 Lawrence Smith of the county of York paid 180 pounds of tobacco to acquire the title to this half acre lot in Yorktown and proceeded to build a home here.  Thirty years later (January 1734), Lawrence Smith conveyed this property to Edmund Smith, his "Son and Heir apparent. Edmund Smith in due course, though he did not live here, found it necessary to undertake building a new house on this lot and this house is the one that stands here today. 

Edmund Smith’s daughter Mildred Smith inherited this house in 1751 and she still owned the home during the siege of 1781.  Her husband, David Jameson, was the Lieutenant Governor of Virginia at the time of the siege.  

The Smith House

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