Smoot Peace Park and Veterans Memorial

Peace Park

Love + Labor + Leisure + Light + Law=


A memorial to

Mr. & Mrs. G. W. Smoot

given to City of Belton by daughter

Cynthia Smoot Jones


Dedicated to those who served

Dedicated Veteran's Day

Nov. 11, 2004

We salute the courage, honor,

patriotism, and sacrifice of

all men and women who serve in the

Armed Forces of the United States

We mourn the loss of those who have

given their lives to preserve and

defend our precious liberty

May we never forget that freedom isn't free!

Dedicated to True American Heroes

September 11, 2005


Prisoner of War

Your suffering as a prisoner of war can never be understood.

Death might have been easier and

even welcome for you during your captivity.

Your bravery and courage continue to inspire.

May your example of steadfastness never fade

in our memories!


Missing In Action

Your fate may never be known.

Your families may never have their questions answered.

However, we live better lives because

of your service and sacrifice.

You will not be forgotten!

Through the generosity and compassion of

local businesses and civic organizations

this fountain is dedicated to

POW-MIA's and their families.

You are not forgotten!

September 16, 2006

The future of this great nation

is contingent upon all generations

treasuring her history and the

ultimate sacrifices made by

those who came before.

Dedicated Veterans' Day

November 11, 2007

Marker is at the intersection of Chestnut Street and 2nd Street, on the right when traveling west on Chestnut Street.


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