Soldiers and Sailors Monument

[ inscription on the west face of the base ]

Gettysburg • Port Hudson • Fort Fisher • 1861-1865

[ inscription on the east face of the base ]

Bunker Hill • Bennington • Saratoga • 1775-1783

[ inscription on the south face of the base ]

Lake Erie • Lake Champlain • New Orleans • 1812-1815

[ inscription on the north face of the base ]

Palo Alto • Molino Del Rey • Chapultepec • 1846-1848

[ west plaque ]

1861 1865

Soldiers and Sailors of New Haven

Who Died in Defense of the Union.

First Regiment Conn. Cavalry

David C. Hunt. 1st Sergt. Co. B • Pliny A. Jewett. Qr. Mr. Sergt. Co. E • Henry E. Peck. Sergt. Co. E • Robert Ava Peck. Sergt. Co. F • George Clarence. Corpl. Co. L • Bishop, Charles A. Co. I • Cahill, John Co. F • Corn, George Co. E • Dibble, Edward W. Co. H • Doty, William H. Co. A • Edwards, Charles Co. F • Flynn, Michael Co. E • Hawley, William L. Co. B • Hiller, Frederick J. Co. D • Hotchkiss, Frederick R. Co. B • Kenney, Michael Co. D • Malone, Charles Co. H • Monk, Joseph C. Co. G • Pierpont, Walter Co. F • Storm, Max Co. E • Tonner, Terrence Co. E • Treadway, John F. Co. K

First Regiment Conn. Hvy. Art'ly.

Beers, W. Munson. Sergt. Co. F • Thomas Hyland. Corpl. Co. B • Samuel Shaw. Corpl. Co. B • Ackerly, James B. Co. L • Allen, Ellsworth Co. M • Athington, Edward Co. K • Blakesley, George L. Co. F • Bush, Malachi C. Co. E • Clark, Charles Co. E • Goodyear, Walstein Co. F • Kain, George W. Co. B • Lynch, Owen Co. G • Malley, Cornelius Co. E • McNeil, Edward Co. C • Minor, James Co. M • Schlafer, Jacob Co. F • Warner, Azariah E. Co. E

Second Regiment Conn. Hvy. Art'ly.

William J. Dixon. Corpl. Co. L • Henry A. Hubbell. Corpl. Co. L • Jefferson T. Lent Corpl. Co. F • Butler, Patrick Co. L • Gallagher, Peter Co. K • Griswold, Charles W. Co. F • Hanson, Charles D. Co. D • Keleher, Thomas Co. I • Loud, Simeon W. Co. A • Lynch, Patrick Co. H • Toole, John J. Co. E • Ure, John H. Co. C

Second Regiment Conn. Infantry.

Fritz, James Co. i

Fifth Regiment Conn. Infantry.

Edward Foster Blake. Major. • George S. Benton. Captain. • H. Melzar Dutton 1st. Leiut. • Robert C. Morrison. Sergt. Co. D • Alvin T. Barnes. Corpl. Co. D • Sherman D. Taylor Corpl. Co. D • Albert Warner. Corpl. Co. A • Adams, Joseph A. Co. C • Babre, Adolphus H. Co. D • Covert, John Co. D • Elliott, John Co. D • Hart, John Co. D • Button, William M. Co. C • Hoyt, Augustus W. Co. C • Mooney, Michael Co. C • Moore, Paul Co. C • Smalley, Elisha F. Co. E • Smith, Patrick Co. D • Strong, Thomas G. Co. D • Waldron, John Co. D • Williams, John Co. D

Sixth Regiment Conn. Infantry.

Lewis C. Allen. Captain. • Henry C. Gerrish. Captain. • William H. Johnson. 2nd. Lieut. • Woodbury H. Stalle. 2nd. Lieut. • Joseph Bahre. 1st. Sergt. Co. G • Nahum L. Hayward. Sergt. Co. F • William W. Perkins. Sergt. Co. K • George S. Barnes. Corpl. Co. F • Joseph C. Boudren. Corpl. Co. I • John F. Driscoll. Corpl. Co. F • Baltuber Cinder. Corpl. Co. C • William Gladstone. Corpl. Co. K • William Glissman. Corpl. Co. C • Charles Kirsten Corpl. Co. C • Joseph Necker Corpl. Co. C • Joseph A. Wooster Corpl. Co. k • Bayer, Martin Co. C • Bluel, Valentine Co. C • Boardman, Andrew J. Co. K • Brooks, Jabez C. Co. K • Butler, Jesse Co. F • Clark, John Co. D • Dorman, Horace Co. F • Dorsing, Charles Co. C • Eaton, William Co. F • Fritche, Gustave Co. C • Griffin, Charles Co. C • Haller, Martin Co. C • Hauserman, Michael Co. C • Hausman, Godfrey Co. C • Hesse, Augustus Co. C • Hill, Warren F. Co. F • Hine, James Co. K • Kitterer, George Co. h • McKensie, Patrick Co. F • McKinney, James Co. B • Olivies, Charles Unassigned • Phillips, Theodore Co. F • Sharf, Henry Co. I • Scholdach, Augustus Co. C • Stebbins, Charles E. Co. E • Stinel, Herman Co. C • Williams, John Co. F

Seventh Regiment Conn. Infy.

Edwin S. Hitchcock. Captain • John P. Corsa. Qr. Mr. Sergt. • George Edwards. 1st Sergt. Co. G • William S. English. 1st Sergt. Co. H • Henry E. Banning. Corpl. Co. G • John Botsford. Corpl Co. G • Seymour L. White. Musician Co. A • Beersford, Matthew Co. F • Bradley, George Co. B • Conway, James Co. F • Doolittle, Lorenzo S. Co. H • Dunham, Horace Co. G • Eaton, Frederick G. Co. I • Gerbig, John Co. F • Gore, Joshua R. Co. F • Kay, William H. Co. F • Kimball, Charles W. Co. F • Lego, John A. Co. C • Miller, Joseph Co. K • Moran, Thomas Co. E • Reynolds, John D. Co. E • Schopp, Peter Co. E • Sliney, David Co. F • Smith, Arthur Co. G • Spires, William Co. F

Eighth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Whiting, Wilcox. Sergt. Co. A • Peterson, Peter Co. F

Ninth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Henry Mckenna. 2nd Lieut. Co. C • Thomas Kennedy. 1st Sergt. Co. B • Newman Bruisee. Corpl. Co. H • Richard Burke. Corpl. Co. E • Charles Coote. Corpl. Co. A • Edward Keegan. Corpl. Co. C • Joseph Kennedy. Corpl. Co. A • Thomas McCormick. Corpl. Co. C • James McMahon. Corpl. Co. E • George D. Connor. Corpl. Co. C • James W. B. Robinson. Corpl. Co. A • Lewis St. V. Hallauer. Musician • Abbott, John Co. C • Barker, George Co. C • Barry, John T. Co. C • Birmingham, Garrett Co. A • Bohan, Paul Co. A • Boyle, Charles Co. A • Burgess, John R. Co. E • Bush, James Co. E • Carney, Ambrose Co. E • Clark, John Co. C • Clark, William Co. E • Colbert, Morris Co. A • Collins, John Co. A • Coyle, John Co. A • Culler, Patrick Co. A • Dillon, John Co. A • Doyle, Peter Co. C • Eagan, John Co. C • Ennis, Matthew Co. A • Foley, James Co. A • Gallagher, Matthew Co. E • Galligan, Philip Co. C • Gray, Patrick Co. H • Harrigan, Michael Co. B • Hartigan, John Co. E • Healey, Michael Co. B • Hughes, Arthur Co. C • Kain, Michael Co. A • Kearnes, Thomas Co. C • Keaveney, Michael Co. C • Kehoe, James Co. E • Kelleher, Roger Co. C • Lane, Patrick Co. A • Lauffin, Richard Co. C • Lunch, Thomas Co. A • Mahoney, Patrick Co. A • Marlow, John Co. C • Mccann, William J. Co. K • McGrath, Thomas Co. A • McLaughlin, Timothy Co. C • Minahan, Thomas Co. B • Montague, Charles Co. E • Mullen, Daniel Co. A • O'Berne, John Co. A • O'Burns, Michael Co. E • O'Connor, George Co. C • O'Neil, Mark Co. D • Reynolds, Patrick Co. A • Reynolds, Patrick Co. H • Rowley, John Co. C • Ryan, John Co. B • Smith, John 2nd Co. B • Smith, John 2nd Co. D • Smith, Martin Co. D • Stilson, David Co. K • Walch, John Co. A • Walsh, Patrick Co. E • Walsh, Robert Co. E • Woods, James Co. D • Woods, Patrick Co. B

Tenth Regiment Conn. Infantry.

Albert F. Sharp. 2nd Lieut. • Henry M. Stillman. 2nd Lieut. • William N. Graham. Corpl. Co. C • Francis Hoffmann. Corpl. Co. G • Bradley, William H. Co. A • Bushnell, Charles H. Co. A • Button, Charles C. Co. K • Cutts, Charles L. Co. A • Fitzsimmons, James Co. A • Holcomb, Milo J. Co. B • Howard, James Co. K • Hudson, William G. Co. • Johnson, George M. Co. • Lindsley, Benjamin M. Co. • Lonson, Lyman T. Co. A • Neal, James H. Co. A • Rooney, James S. Unassigned • Sears, Stephen H. Co. C • Seward, George H. Co. A • Smith, Frederick M. Co. K • Taylor, James B. Co. H

Eleventh Regiment Conn. Infy.

Frederick Schoenbien. 1st. Sergt. Co. C • Henry Dietzman. Corpl. Co. C • John Jackson. Corpl. Co. K • Charles Steinmetz. Corpl. Co. C • Dietz, Gustav A. Co. C • Dolan, Michael Co. I • Jackson, Thomas Co. K • Karcher, Ferdinand Co. G • Kleinline, Lorenz Co. C • Lewis, Francis J. Co. G • McDonald, John Co. K • Mordon, John B. Co. I • Perkins, William H. Co. B • Pierson, Martin Co. B • Smith, Henry Co. G • Straubel, Louis Co. G

Twelfth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Frank H. Peck. Lieut. Colonel. • John P. Lowell. Captain • Charles W. Cornwall. 1st. Lieut. • George M. Benton. 2nd Lieut. • Charles L. Collins. Sergt. Co. I • Thomas Gardner. Sergt. Co. C • Barnes, Harvey B. Co. G • Beckley, George W. Co. F • Bissell, Rufus M. Co. F • Burton, Jeremiah Co. C • Candee, William G. Co. C • Coyle, John Co. B

[ east plaque ]

1861 1865

Soldiers and Sailors of New Haven

Who Died in Defense of the Union.

Twelfth Regiment continued

Curtis, George W. Co. B • Duboise, Charles Co. B • Egert, Charles J. Co. I • Lester, John E. Co. H • Malcolm, James Co. B • McCarthy, Patrick Co. B • Porter, Benedict M. Co. B • Sinclair, Eugene Co. B • Standup, Joseph Unassigned • Steele, Charles E. Co. H • Sullivan, John P. Co. B • Thrall, Bradley, Co. C • Toole, Thomas Co. B • Travy, Thomas Co. B

Thirteenth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Joseph F. Clarke. 1st Lieut. • Louis Meisner. 1st Lieut. • John T. Wheeler. 2nd Lieut. • Samuel B. Dunn. 1st Sergt. Co. K • Charles N. Merwin. Musician Co. A • Bowen, Thomas L. Co. H • Carey, Patrick Co. F • Comstock, John C. Co. K • Dechomp, Peter Co. C • Dobson, Michael Co. H • Doolittle, Frank H. Co. K • Knapp, Charles E. Co. D • Morris, Charles Co. K • Phile, Benjamin Co. K • Ryan, William Co. K • Terrell, Payne S. Co. D • Tomlinson, Charles H. Co. B • Wickwire, Franklin L. Co. C

Fourteenth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Isaac R. Bronson. Captain • William A. Comes. 2nd Lieut. • William M. Canso. Sergt. Co. I • Joseph Janot. Sergt. Co. I • Henry K. Lyon. Corpl. Co. G • Berry, James Co. A • Blair, Robert Co. H • Blann, John Co. B • Brockett, Edwin Co. D • Brown, Charles Co. F • Brown, William C. Co. F • Browne, James M. Co. G • Burrows, Daniel L. Co. H • Conners, James P. Co. H • Daniel, John Co. I • Dorman, Orrin Co. E • Flint, Curtis W. Co. G • Gordon, John Co. G • Hurlburt, John J. Co. E • Jones, John Co. H • Lavenduskie, George Co. G • Maloney, Stephen Co. I • Schluter, Herman Co. H • Schroder, Hans Co. F • Scranton, Lewis W. Co. I • Starkey, Joseph P. Co. H

Fifteenth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Eli W. Osborn. Major • Henry B. Peck. Captain • Septimus S. Smith. Captain • William A. Bowns. Quartermaster • Edwin W. Bishop. 1st Lieut. • Elliott Reynolds. 1st Sergt. Co. B • Charles A. Benjamin. Sergt. Co. H • Joseph Kegelmeyer. Sergt. Co. G • Totheus Pettee. Sergt. Co. D • Mason Rogers. Sergt. Co. B • Charles T. Wade. Sergt. Co. B • Sidney M. Andrews. Corpl. Co. D • Charles A. Boyle. Corpl. Co. E • Matthew Bown. Corpl. Co. D • William H. Glassford. Corpl. Co. G • John O. Story. Corpl. Co. D • John H. Treadway. Corpl. Co. D • Jared L. Sperry. Musician Co. E • Allen, Charles S. Co. D • Baker, John Co. D • Barnard, Thomas G. Co. H • Barnes, Darius E. Co. I • Bellwood, Theodore Co. C • Boylan, Philip Co. H • Bonvard, Eugene Co. A • Bradley, Burton Co. I • Bracken, Timothy Co. C • Brown, Charles C. Co. A • Brown, George Co. I • Clark, William B. Co. C • Crandall, Dudley W. Co. B • Cullom, Michael Co. H • Curtiss, Henry L. Co. D • Deane, George Co. C • Devine, Patrick Co. D • Domingo, Antonio Co. B • Donegan, Patrick Co. G • Doonks, Phillipe Co. B • Dutton, Theodore Co. G • Dudley, Edward W. Co. I • Fields, John L. Co. C • Flynn, Richard Co. H • Goulding, John Co. E • Groth, John Co. D • Gunn, Newell S. Unassigned • Hanson, Frederick A. Co. I • Huntley, Albert Co. G • Jennings, Edward Co. C • Kearting, Thomas Co. D • Kelsey, Henry W. Co. I • Lestreinge, Michael Co. I • Lines, James B. Co. D • Maher, John Co. H • Miller, Christian Co. B • Mortimer, Alonzo Co. G • Muldoon, Thomas Co. C • Nelson, Jacob Co. I • Nichols, Thomas Co. D • O'connell, Jeremiah J. Co. H • Phillips, Francis Co. I • Reynolds, Garrett H. Co. C • Reynolds, John Co. C • Roberson, William H. Co. C • Smith, Cornelius R. Co. B • Smith, Edward Co. B • Spencer, Lewis F. Co. E • Sperry, Henry E. Co. C • Stedman, Stephen F. Co. B • Striby, Amos Co. C • Sturges, Joseph A. Co. C • Talmadge, John C. Co. D • Thompson, George W. Co. I • Tuttle, Bliss Co. C • Walker, James Co. I • Whaley, Adelbert H. Co. I

Sixteenth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Derby, Atwater Co. I

Twentieth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Edward A. Doolittle. 1st. Lieut. • Erastus R. Lee. 1st Sergt. Co. G • George Van Buskirk. Sergt. Co. E • Timothy F. J. Taft. Corpl. Co. F • Bishop, Walter P. Co. F • Clooney, William Co. g • Kelley, John Co. f • Murphy, Patrick Co. f • Perry, John d. Co. f • Roswell, philo Co. f • Welch, James Co. f • Twenty-Fourth Regiment Conn. Infy. • Philip Galligan. Corpl. Co. H • Patrick McCarthin. Corpl. Co. H • Carroll, Charles Co. H • Dunn, Edward Co. K • O'Donnell, John Co. H • Owens, Patrick Co. H

Twenty-Seventh Regiment Conn. Infy.

Henry C. Merwin. Lieut. Colonel • Jedediah Chapman. Captain • Bernard E. Schweizer. Captain • Addison C. Taylor. Captain • Thomas E. Barrett. 1st Sergt. Co. H • Richard H. Fowler. 1st Sergt. Co. A • Benjamin H. Cobb. Sergt. Co. D • Henry B. Hill. Sergt. Co. D • Frank E. Alling. Corpl. Co. H • Albert Cabanus. Corpl. Co. K • James G. Clinton. Corpl. Co. E • William A. Goodwin Jr. Corpl. Co. A • William G. Hill. Corpl. Co. I • George I. Judson. Corpl. Co. H • George H. Mimmack. Corpl. Co. H • William E. Wilson. Corpl. Co. D • Alling, Charles L. Co. H • Beecher, Nelson N. Co. G • Bernhardt, William F. Co. K • Brown, George Co. E • Castle, Andrew B. Co. E • Confrey, Michael Co. F • Eddy, Jairus C. Co. F • Fairchild, Augustus B. Co. A • Farr, Edward B. Co. F • Goodwill, William Co. D • Goodwin, John Co. D • Hazard, Edward C. Co. A • Higgins, Loren M. Co. D • Johnson, Frank A. Co. A • Judson, Marcus D. Co. D • Keller, Gilbert Co. D • McKilcullen, Thomas Co. D • Mitchell, John Co. D • Phile, William M. Co. I • Rawson, John Co. H • Reuter, William Co. D • Schlieder, Jacob Co. E • Smith, Hezekiah P. Co. H • Sperry, Garry B. Co. D • Stephens, Joseph Co. C • Thompson, Edward Co. E • Wilcote, Leroy Co. A • Yale, Thomas G. Co. D

Twenty-Ninth Regiment Conn. Infy.

Horace N. London. Sergt. Major • Henry H. Bunnell. Sergt. Co. A • William Steward. Musician Co. G • Beardsley, William Co. A • Bentley, Charles Co. A • Brown, John Co. H • Coconon, John B. Co. G • Freeman, John R. Co. F • Hawley, William F. Co. A • Henson, Samuel Co. H • Jefferson, Sylvester Co. A • Jeffreys, Marvel Co. A • Jones, John R. Co. H • Miles, John J. Co. A • Miller, Hutchinson Co. H • Mills, George Co. H • Montgomery, James H. Co. A • Quonn, James H. Co. I • Spriggs, James B. Co. A • Thompson, William Co. A • Walker, Francis H. Co. D • Warren, Henry Co. A

Thirty-First Regiment U.S.C.T.

Richard R. Woodruff. Captain • George H. Brown Sergt. Co. B • Tilghman S. Wood. Sergt. Co. C • Delaney, John Co. F • Hall, Nimrod Co. C • Harman, William D. Co. C • Parker, Levi Co. C • Plumber, Marcus H. Co. B • Roasting, Richard Co. B • Robinson, Samuel Co. K • Wheeler, John Co. C

----- U. S. Navy -----

Francis H. Gregory. Rear Admiral U.S.N. • William A. Ingersoll. Paymaster U.S.N. • Willis F. Munroe. Act. Master U.S.N. • Theodore W. Twining. Act. Asst. Paymaster U.S.N. • Norman K. Atwater. Act'g. Ensign U.S.N. • Ralph G. Hotchkiss. Master's Mate U.S.N. • William H. Dade. Master's Mate U.S.N. • James Dixon. Landsman U.S.N. • Richard H. Gray. Landsman U.S.N.

---- Miscellaneous ----

Noah L. Farnham. Col. 1st N.Y.F.Z. • Theodore H. Rockwood. Major 19th U.S.C.T. • Theodore Winthrop. Major A.D.C. U.S.V. • Edward C. Lines. Capt. 2nd Kansas Cavalry. • William C. Johnson. Chaplain 17th Ky. Infy. • Albert Clapp. 1st Lieut. 3rd R.I. Arty. • Albert Funke. Sergt. Co. E. 14th U.S. Infy. • Antrim Ridgway Co. D. 13th U.S. Infy • Bishop, William E. Sergt. Co. E. 99th N.Y. Infy. • Collins, Peter. Co. A. 10th U.S. Infy. • Dolan, Peter. Co. A. 14th U.S. Infy. • Foley, John. Co. A. 14th U.S. Infy. • Gateley, Michael. Co. I. 6th U. S. Infy. • Johnson, David S. Co. I. 43rd N. Y. Infy. • Mix, Collins. Co. F. 14th R. I. H. A. • Morey, Harvey. Co. C. 3rd. U. S. Arty. • Murray, Thomas. Co. F. 14th U. S. Infy. • Ryan, Michael. Co. C. 39th N. Y. Infy. • Sherman, Clarence. Co. C. 2nd R. I. Cavly. • Tomlinson, William W. Co. A. 19th U. S. Infy. • Turner, George F. Co. C. 17th U. S. Infy. • Waddington, James H. Co. D. 14th R. I. H. A. • Wilson, Samuel H. Co. B. 14th R. I. H. A. • Young, William. Co. D. 19th Mass. Infy.

[ the frame of the east plaque depicts battles, numbered badges and flags. legible battle name: ]

Port Hudson • Vicksburg • Look-Out Mountain • Mine Run • Fort Fisher • Morton's Ford • Olustee • Plymouth • Wilderness • Bermuda Hundred • Spottsville • Bentonville • Five Forks • Fort Gregg • Morris Island • Fort Wagner • Drury's Bluff • Cold Harbor • Peach Tree Creek • Atlanta • Reams Station • Fort Harrison • Fisher's Hill • Resaca • Cedar Creek • Ashland • Appomattox • Richmond • Petersburg

[ the frame of the west plaque depicts battles, numbered badges and flags. legible battle names: ]

Pocotalico • Baton Rouge • Cedar Mountain • Fredericksburg • Kingston • Gettysburg • Winchester • Dallas • Bull Run • Antietam • Fort Donaldson • Hampton Roads • Newberne, N.C. • Fort Pulaski • James Island • Island No. 10 • New Orleans • Fair Oaks • Secessionville • Irish Bend • Grand Gulf • Chancellorsville

Marker is at the intersection of Davis Street and Ridge Road, on the left when traveling west on Davis Street.


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