Spartanburg Confederate War Monument

[East Facing Side]

Erected in honor of the

Confederate Soldiers and

Sailors from Spartanburg

City and County


voluntary contributions

from her citizens and Spartan

Chapter United Daughters

of the Confederacy


[North Facing Side]

Let this monument

teach our children and our

children's children to honor

the memory and the heroic deeds

of the Southern Soldier,

who fought for rights

guaranteed him under the


Four years our armies contended

against great odds, enduring

incredible hardships, and ceasing

to struggle only when the South

was exhausted, and could no longer

furnish recruits and supplies.

[West Facing Side]

How grand a fame this marble

watches o'er their

wars behind them;

God's great peace before.

Fort Sumter to Appomattox


[South Facing Side]

Of the past, mindful;

To the present, faithful;

For the future, hopeful.

Motto of Spartan Chapter


Marker is on West Park Drive ½ mile south of Converse Street, on the right when traveling south.


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