St. Andrews Anglican Church

Beginning in 1828 the Rev. W. Cockran held religious services in the homes of settlers in this area. In 1829 he established a permanent residence at Grand Rapids on the Red River and by 1831 had built a small wooden church. His growing congregation required a larger church building and the present stone church , the oldest in Western Canada, was begun in 1845 and completed in 1849. This simple but beautiful building became the center of missionary activity in Rupert's Land and continues to be the focus of active parish life.

L’Église Anglicane de St. Andrew.

Dès 1828, le Révérend W. Cockran afficiait dans les maisons de pionniers de cette région. Il s’établit à demeure en 1829 à Grand Rapids sur la rivière Rouge et il y construisit, dès 1831, une chapelle en bois. Le nombre croissant de ses ouailles nécessita la construction de cette église de pierre, la plus ancienne de l’Ouest canadien. Commencée en 1845, elle fut terminée en 1849. De conception simple, mais explessive, elle devint le centre de l’activité missionnaire de la Terre de Rupert et continue d’étre le foyer de la vie paroissiale.

Marker is at the intersection of River Road (Manitoba Route 238) and St. Andrews Road (Manitoba Route 410), on the left when traveling north on River Road.


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