St. Elmo Area Veterans Memorial

Duty - Honor - God - Country

We dedicate this memorial

to the men and women

whose names are listed on

the tablets before you.

They left this community to

serve with honor and dignity

and to preserve freedom

around the world.

"Never in the course of history

has so much been owed by

so many to so few."

[Winston Churchill 1940]

A grateful nation thanks

them one and all.

Memorial Day

May 26, 2008

[Honor Roll of Veterans for]

Civil War Era

1860 - 1916

World War Era

1917 - 1940

World War II Era

1941 - 1949

Korean Era

1950 - 1959

Vietnam Era

1960 - 1974

Desert Storm Era

1975 - 1999

Iraqi Freedom Era

Enduring Freedom

Marker is on Cumberland Road (U.S. 40) west of Walnut Street, on the left when traveling west.


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