St. Joseph County Civil War Monument

[ Front Plaque ]

1861 –––– 1865

In grateful recognition of

the patriotism, services, and

sacrifices of our soldiers in

the war of the Union, we, the

people of St. Joseph County,

have erected this monument.

June 25, 1905

——––– ——–––

“When the years of Earth are over,

and the cares of Earth are done,

When the reign of Time is ended,

and Eternity begun,

When the thunders of Omniscience

on our wakened senses roll,

And the sky above shall wither,

and be gathered like a scroll.

When, among the lofty mountains,

and across the mighty sea,

The sublime celestial bugler shall

ring out the reveille,

Then shall march with brightest laurels,

and with proud, victorious tread,

To their station up in heaven,

our Grand Army of the Dead.”

Will Carleton (“Our Army of the Dead”)

[ Left Side Plaque ]

Laurel Hill • Rich Mountain • Shiloh • Iuka • Corinth • Perryville • Stone’s River • Vicksburg • Gettysburg • Chickamauga • Lookout Mountain • Knoxville • Mission Ridge • Atlanta • Sherman’s March • Wilderness • Spottsylvania • Petersburg • Fort Fisher • Mobile • Appomattox

[ Right Side Plaque ]

Companies going into the Union Army from St. Joseph County

Co. I. 9th • Indiana Infantry 5 Month Service

Co. I. 9th • Indiana Infantry 5 Year Service

Co. B. 15th •

Co. F. 29th •

Co. H. 29th •

Co. B. 48th •

Co. F. 39th •

Co. F. 49th •

Co. C. 73rd •

Co. K. 87th •

Co. K. 48th •

Co. D. 128th •

Co. H. 138th •

Co. H. 155th •

Co. H. 12th • Indiana Cavalry 5 Year Service

21st Indiana Battery

55th Regimental Band

Nashville Post Band, 20th Army Corps

[ Obverse Side Plaque ]

County Council : (name list - Needed)

Board of County Commissioners : (name list - Needed)

Soldier’s Monument Association : (name list - Needed)

Marker is on West Washington Street west of South Main Street, on the left when traveling west.


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