St. Paul's Episcopal Church

Built on this site 1882

The First Protestant Church in Arizona Territory under the direction of Endicott Peabody who conducted the first services in this building on June 18, 1882.

The structure is of hand formed adobe brick, stuccoed in 1970 to protect the adobe. The ceiling and roof were constructed of timber hauled in by ox carts from the Chiricahua Mountains and are still protecting this historic landmark.

The stained glass windows, the pews, altar rail are all the originals unchanged over the years. The light fixtures although now electrified are the originals that came off a chipper ship anchored in San Francisco. The piano dates from 1891 and the altar cross was donated in 1905.

St. Paul's

has never closed it's doors and continues to serve the people of Tombstone and the surrounding area to this day.

Marker is on North 3rd Street near East Safford Street (Arizona Highway 80), on the left when traveling north.


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