St. Thomas' Liberty Bell Reproduction:

Dedicated To You, A Free Citizen In A Free Land

This reproduction of the Liberty Bell was presented to the People of the

Virgin Islands

By the direction of

The Honorable John W. Snyder

Secretary of the Treasury

It was the inspirational symbol of the

United States Savings Bonds Independence Drive

from May 15 to July 4, 1950

The dimensions and tone are identical

with those of the original Liberty Bell when it

rang out our independence in 1776.

In standing before this symbol, you have the

opportunity to dedicate yourself,

as did our Founding Fathers to the principals

of the individual freedom for which our Nation stands.


This bell is one of fifty-three cast in France in 1950,

and given to The United States Government by:

American Smelting and Refining Company   Miami Copper Company

Anaconda Copper Mining Company              Phelps Dodge Corporation

Kennecott Copper Corporation                     The American Metal Company, Limited

The steel supports were furnished by U.S. Steel Corporation's American Bridge Company

This plaque donated by Revere Copper and Brass Incorporated

Marker is on Fort Pladsen, on the right.


Credits and Sources: