Stamford Veterans Memorial

[ central pedestal ]

Lest We Forget

Within this pedestal is placed a time

capsule recording for all time

those residents of Stamford who responded

to the call, some giving their lives

while serving in our past wars.

In future wars should we be

called again, the people of Stamford

pledge to preserve and perpetuate

this expression of gratitude for

such sacrifice.

[ back ]

Veterans Memorial Park

This memorial park was made

possible through the efforts

of the City of Stamford

Urban Renewal Commission

and public contributions

Dedicated November 13, 1977

Louis A. Clapes – Mayor

Tony P. Pia – SFC US Army Ret

Chairman Monument Committee

Edith Sherman – Chairperson

Urban Renewal Commission

Alphonse M. Pia – Chairman

Patriotic and Special Events


Geno J. Lupinacci – Memorials

Designer and Erector

[ flagpole base ]

Our Country's Wars

Revolutionary War

War of 1812

Mexican War

Civil War

Spanish American War

World War I

World War II

Korean conflict

Vietnam War

[ west column ]

Freedom from Want

To Those Who Gave

Their Lives in Our

Country's Wars

They shall grow not old as

we that are left grow old.

Age shall not weary them

nor the years condemn in

the glory of their youth

We will remember them.

Erected by the Citizens

Of Stamford, Connecticut

[ south column ]

Freedom from Fear

"Let us the living,

be here dedicated

to the great task

remaining before us.

That from these

honored dead we take

increased devotion to

that cause for which

they gave their last full

measure of devotion."

Abraham Lincoln

[ east column ]

Freedom of Speech

In Memoriam

World War II Dead

U.S. Army

Nicholas Amafitano • Raffaele N. Arruzza • Albert W. Austin • Raymond L. Avery • Benny F. Babula • Savvas Batsos • Peter Bennitt • Basil Bernychny • Henry J. Blomquist • Alfred Boccuzzi • Frank R. Bongiorno • Charles L. Brooker • Raymond J. Cahill • Frank M. Calderone • Anthony Candelmo • Louis A. Capossela • Anthony Castelli • Leonard Chrostoski • Richard A. Cody, Jr. • Francis J. Connolly • Robert Cornell • Thomas W. Coughlin • William J. Coyle • Carl Creiger • Salvatore D. Crocco • Darrell D. Crosby • Richard M. Cullen • Michael D'Agostino • Warren K. DeCamp • Rocco P. Dedonato • Angelo G. DeMasi • Donald D. Donahue • James J. Donahue • Milton Dubrovsky • John S. Dzioba • John J. Egan • Joseph M. Farrell • George T. Fielding • James F. Gaffney • Arthur D. Gallupe • Lewis K. Gautrau • Patrick Gentile • Jerry V. Gerardi • Joseph Giordano • John Grabowski • Lionel G. Gregoire • William F. Harper • William T. Hayes • Patsy M. Iovino • Herbert Johnson • Everett W. Jordan • Victor I. Kalander • Benjamin Kiszkiel • John J. Koceniak • George J. Kovacs • Harry LaChance • Donald Lannon • John J. Lapinski • Joseph F. Lorenti • Edred W. Loveland • Roswell MacMaster • Joseph Mattera • David H. McDonald • Jere A. Miller • David Mixsell • Edward C. Molino • Raymond J. Morris • John J. Mownn • John A. Mrus • Joseph P. Mugan • Pierce J. Mullen • Sidney Neuger • Alexander Novash • Michael P. O'Connor • Clifford E. Olson • Carlo Pangia • Benjamin J. Parente • Charles F. Pecoraro • Kalman D. Perlman • Anthony Pezzimenti • Vito Phillipse • John J. Polinsky • Benjamin M. Praeger • Charles Quick • Louis Radocy • Aaron Resnick • Winthrop R. Roche • Julio T. Rodriquez • Peter Russo • Peter L. Sabino • Winston Satewhite • John J. Scipioni • Silvio J. Sessa • Hugh Sheldon • Charles F. Skarberg • Stewart W. Smith • William E. Smith • Daniel Stolfi • Elmer L. Svenningsen • Domenick J. Tamburri • Frank Touri • Robert E. Tracy • Alfred Turner • Aggie J. Umile • Frank Valenzano • Leonard Volpe • Walter C. Waring • William Wasco • Robert Wasserman • Roy P. West, Jr. • Walter Yeruc

U.S. Army Air Corps

Charles Acker • Edgar J. Albert • Frank Argenio • Howard P. Bernes • Richard R. Branch • Walter Broska • Patrick J. Byrnes • Roger N. Carlino • Robert J. Cavanaugh • Raymond A. Clark • Thomas G. Conforti • John J. Conroy • Arthur J. Daly • Lockwood Darling • Julio A. deMares • Stephen Fuda • Daniel A. Gervasio • Vincent M. Horan • Edward J. Iannazzi • Elmer Kalman • Peter Kowalski • Yale Kweskin • Archer B. Lord • Myron L. Mantell • Michael Meno • Ellis S. Middleton • Voight W. Miller, Jr. • Michael F. Mishley • Edward C. Molino • Thomas E. Murray • Arthur L. Nielsen • Douglas C. Northrop • Ernest L. Peck • Charles F. Raymond • Edward D. Shaw • Jack Singer • Pat R. Spina • Lawrence E. Tracy • Edward T. Tuminski • Amerigo Ucciferri • Chas E. Vonderlieth • Thomas F. Walsh • Leonard E. Weiss • Robert Winkler • Stanley Wisnewski

U.S. Marine Corps

Percy W. Blackwell • David J. DeFelice • James DePreta • Charles D. Downing • Oswald R. Fabrizio • Myles C. Fox • Matthew Guzda • Prentice M. Hatch, Jr. • Henry H. Henrikson • Adrian L. Henry • George Hyland • Irving F. Lanyon • Everett F. Larson • Frederick Loveland, Jr. • William Malizewski • Francis J. Poltrack • Joseph L. Price • George Roth, Jr. • Robert A. Rotunno • William S. Skura • Richard Von Egidy • Virgil E. Wardwell, Jr. • William T. White, Jr. • Charles P. Wichert

U.S. Navy

Arthur D. Austin • Gustave Belasco • Alphonse F. Brach • Arthur C. Brown • Robert E. Buchanan • John H. Byrne • Daniel A. Callahan • Rocco F. Carlo • Louis Czako • Marino D'Aquilla • Joseph DelVecchio, Jr. • Emmett DeVincent • K. L. Diffenderffer • Warren C. Ericsson • Charles W. Fell • William M. Fowler • Harvey Gordon • Joseph C. Grabowski • Homer Griffiths • Charles H. Kewer • Benjamin S. Kijek • Edmund F. Kulka • Chester Kupidlowski • Joseph I. Matlak • Nicholas Mercede • Max F. Micha • Frederick J. Murphy • William T. O'Neill • Theodore Pastuszak • Elmer F. Peaston • John P. Pierson • Joseph P. Ryan • John J. Scalzi • Herbert L. Schacht • Joseph S. Tamburri • Vincent Tripodi • Harry M. Waldron • Carl A. Weiant • James A. Winslow

Devon L. Sundar U.S.M.C.

Korean Conflict Dead

U.S. Army

George Banning • James A. Dooley, Jr. • Rudoplh Ehlers, Jr. • Anthony P. Grecco • Ellwood F. Hanson • Carmine Lupinacci • John B. Murphy • Charles A. Perry • Railey Powell • Raymond A. Rojas • Irwin D. Wilensky

U.S. Marine Corps

Edward l. Lewis

U.S. Navy

William A. Cody • Berdel Cook • Edward A. Lloyd

U.S. Air Force

Herbert L. Oeser

Vietnam Era Dead

U.S. Army

Fergus F. Connors, Jr. • Willie Davis • Robert Dwyer • Duncan Fleming • Kent Gandy • Robert Gandy • Kurt Jobst, Jr. • Robert Kiser • Thomas Morris • James Pastore, Jr. • John Pellegrino • Jerold Shelton • Michael J. Vagnone

U.S. Marine Corps

James Branson • Richard Broadhurst • Roger Cauthern • Andrew Chowka • Ronald France • Charles Kerr • William B. Mitchell • Charles Richards • Isaac Sapp • Norman J. Spenard

U.S. Navy

William B. Nickerson

U.S. Air Force

Douglas A. Arcano • Alfons Bankowski

[ north column ]

Freedom of Worship

Marker is at the intersection of Atlantic Street and Main Street, on the right when traveling north on Atlantic Street.


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