State of Ohio Korean War Memorial

and All Veterans' Memorial Walkway

Welcome to the

Ohio Korean War Memorial

and All Veterans' Memorial Walkway

During the 120th General Assembly regular

session 1993-1994, both houses of the

State of Ohio Legislature unanimously

voted Dayton as the official site

of the Ohio Korean War Memorial.

This memorial site was dedicated by

Lieutenant Governor Michael Dewine on

July 19, 1993

As you enter the 475-foot-long All Veterans'

Memorial Walkway leading to the Ohio Korean War

Memorial, you will notice gray and black granite

tiles on the right-hand side. The gray tiles

list alphabetically by state the names of the

8182 Missing in Action from the Korean War.

This list is the same as that located in the

Punch Bowl Crater National Cemetery in Hawaii.

This is the only memorial within the continental

United States which lists the names of these MIA's.

The black tiles chronologically explain the 10

major campaigns and other significant events of

the Korean War from the first action on June 25, 1950

through the signing of the cease-fire armistice

on July 27, 1953.

On the left-hand side of the walkway are engraved

bricks purchased by individuals and organizations

to honor veterans who have proudly served their

country from the time of the Revolutionary War

through Desert Storm. The bricks near the end of the

right-hand side of the walkway recognize Medal of

Honor Recipients and Prisoners of War.

This memorial was dedicated September 9, 1995

As you enter this area of

the memorial to your right

the gray granite tablets lists

alphabetically by county

the 3625 Ohioans killed as

a result of the Korean War

Dedicated September 9, 1995

This memorial and all veterans memorial

walkway is dedicated to all who

served in the military during

the Korean War

especially those who made

the supreme sacrifice and

those missing in action.

This is a place for their

family and friends to

come and know their loved ones

are not forgotten

All Veterans Memorial Walkway

On your right - the names on gray

granite tiles are the MIA's from the

Korean War listed alphabetically by state.

The black granite tiles list the 10

major campaigns of the Korean War

On your left - are bricks purchased

in memory of someone or those listed

who supported the efforts of

this memorial.

The gray granite tiles list major

monetary and in kind contributors

to this project.

Donated by

UAW Local 696 Dayton, Ohio

The heroic, selfless and invaluable contribution of the Army nurses to the

eminent success of the Army Medical Service throughout the Korean Conflict

is beyond the power of words to extol. Certainly, you have enhanced in the

highest degree the esteemed record of the glorious and galant [sic] Army Nurses Corps.

General Matthew B. Ridgway

Little has been written about the women's role during the Korean War, but much is remembered about those angels in O.D. [olive drab] whose hospitals were tents called MASH units, often in sound of gunfire, and in direct threat of loss of life. During the Korean War over 2000 women saw duty. These nurses are credited in helping bring the ratio of wounded to deaths to the lowest factor of any American war to that point. We choose to honor those brave and galant [sic] women by sharing a few quotes of two individuals who experienced first hand their valor.

With Army nurses somewhere in Korea - 1951

This is the story of the Army nurses, a small group of women so devoted and so humble in their service here to the wounded fighting men of all countries that they seem a species apart from ordinary people. I have met these girls in forward mobile and field hospitals, watched them at work, and billeted with them for days

at a time through their light and heavy loads of the wounded. Often in their Army slacks and olive drab sweaters pulled over rough shirts, they don't even look like women but field soldiers. Yet they are women in the richest and most merciful sense - women who sometimes show stress at the demands of their skill, endurance and courage who react with human, though controlled, emotions to terrible sights and conditions - but never quit. No praise can be too extravagant for the great physical and psychological contributions that they are making for not only do they know how to handle the complicated medical equipment and processes, the anesthetics, the splints, the blood that will heal and save what the guns and machinery have sought to destroy, they also

understand above all - because they have brothers and fathers and sweethearts - how to talk to the wounded

in spirit, to ease their mental shock, to free their minds.

Gertrude Samuels

Marker is at the intersection of Riverside Drive and the north bank of the Great Miami River, on the right when traveling north on Riverside Drive.


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