Staunton and James River Turnpike

The Staunton and James River Turnpike ran

through here at Batesville and stretched for

43½ miles from Staunton to Scottsville.

Construction began in 1826 and was completed

by 1830. The turnpike provided a direct

route for Shenandoah Valley farmers to

transport agricultural products to Scottsville,

then to Richmond via the James River and

Kanawha Canal. Because the turnpike became

impassable during wet weather, it was

converted to a plank road (wooden boards laid

crosswise to the road surface) beginning in

1849. The emergence of the railroad industry

and the high cost of maintenance resulted in

its disuse by the late 1850s and eventual incorporation into the country’s road system.

Marker is on Plank Road (County Route 692) just west of Miller School Road (County Route 635), on the right when traveling west.


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