Summit Meadow

From the East Fork of the Salmon River, the road turns westerly and descends into swampy Summit Meadows and the watershed of Still Creek. From Summit Meadows, the road turns northerly again and passes through the center of Government Camp, Oregon, and westward to the top of Laurel Hill.

Credits and Sources:

Clackamas County Historical Society and Wasco County Historical Society, Barlow Road, Marverick Publications, Bend, OR, 1998.

Photos: (n.d.) Summit Meadow Teepee

National Forest Service. (n.d.). Summit Meadow. National Forest Service collection.

Risberg, Erica. Ph.D. (2014). Summit Meadows. Private collection.


Diary excerpts:

Abigail Jane Scott

John L. Johnson

Summit Meadow

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