Superior Vista Trail

Born of gold strikes, buoyed by the timber industry, and situated along a prominent transportation corridor, Superior is a town with a rich history and abundant natural resources. One of the best places to take it all in is on the town’s Vista Trail. The product of a collaborative effort of several community organizations, the Vista Trail provides not only a rewarding overlook above the scenic Clark Fork River Valley, but an education in local history. Following the 10 percent grade over the 1.3-mile trail, hikers are treated to a series of interpretive “vistas,” each providing a unique discussion of the town’s rich culture.

Hikers will learn that Superior got its start when miners discovered the mineral deposits that gave the county its name. While this riverside settlement appeared with the initial gold rush, it wasn’t until 1880 that Superior truly took shape. This spot along the Clark Fork River was the site of a ford, a ferry, and, in 1891, a bridge. The town’s population has fluctuated with the boom and bust of industry. With the gold rush, as many as 1,700 people lived here. About half that number call the town home today.

The Vista Trail looks down on one of the town’s main streets, which was the path of the Mullan Road and still bears that name. The Milwaukee Road’s electric locomotives also passed nearby. Visible is the U.S. Forest Service’s Superior Ranger District headquarters, the Mineral County Courthouse, the former site of the Diamond Match Company mill, and numerous other points of interest. Reaching the trail’s summit, the Clark Fork River truly comes into view—the river being the center of the town’s landscape and central to its history.

Credits and Sources:

Mineral County Historical Society. Mineral County History. Superior, MT: Mineral County Historical Society, 2004.

Historic photographs of “Superior Bridge, 1892” and “Superior Looking West” courtesy of Mineral County Historical Museum, Superior, MT.

Contemporary photographs of the Superior Vista Trail courtesy of Historical Research Associates, Inc.

Superior Vista Trail

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