Surry County War Memorial


“At the going down

of the sun and in

the morning we will

remember them.”

Erected A.D. 1947


1917 - 1918

To the members of

the Armed Forces of World War I


Surry County

They fought that democracy might survive.

They with their comrades in arms bore high the

torch of freedom. In victory they kept its flame

alive and passed it on to a later generation in

their fight for the liberties of man.

To them with pride and grateful remembrance

of their patriotism and valorous service

their county has erected this memorial.


1941 - 1945

To the members of

the Armed Forces of World War II


Surry County

They are numbered with those who

took up the quarrel with the foes of freedom

and carried freedom’s torch to victory over

despotism and oppression. They kept the faith.

They fought that civilization might survive.

To commemorate their heroic service in behalf

of mankind, their county with conscious pride

has erected this memorial.

Marker can be reached from Colonial Trail East (Virginia Route 10) near Rolfe Highway (Virginia Route 31).


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