Susan Constant Shrine

This shrine commemorates the Susan Constant, the flagship of the fleet that carried the first English settlers to Virginia in 1607. The Susan Constant, a 120-ton vessel, was built in 1605 and made one voyage to Spain before the Virginia Company of London chartered it. Captained by Christopher Newport, the Susan Constant, Godspeed, and Discovery sailed from London on 20 Dec. 1606 and arrived nearby off the Virginia capes on 26 Apr. 1607. The colonists erected a cross claiming the land for England, explored the James River for a suitable settlement site, and planted the first permanent English colony at Jamestown on 14 May 1607.

Marker is at the intersection of West Ocean View Avenue (U.S. 60) and Tidewater Drive (Virginia Route 168), on the right when traveling west on West Ocean View Avenue.


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