Swampscott Honor Roll


Honor Roll

Dedicated To The

Memory Of Those

Who Served In

World War II

Dedicated November 11, 1968

[ 1440 names are listed. The following names have a star indicating they did not return ]

Addison, Charles D., Jr. • Beatrice, Armand F. • Bjorkman, Alan L. • Boyce, Ralph G. • Brine, Robert J. • Brine, William C. • Brown, Morrison R. • Brown, Thomas K. • Burgess, Charles H., Jr. • Burt, William L. • Ciardi, Ralph J. • Colley, Oscar B., Jr. • Dunham, George J., Jr. • Durkee, Leslie R., Jr. • Duval, Peter • Feeny, George F. • Foody, James M.J. • Foster, George A. • Gambale, Antonio • Hodges, Tom • Homan, John Jr. • Keegan, Frank H. • Kehoe, Blaine • Knowles, Ralph W. • Lipsky, Bernard • McCarty, Joseph F. • McGettrick, Gerald J. • Messinger, Richard A. • Moore, Leo A., Jr. • Noonan, John • Norris, Robert • Pappas, Leon L. • Paradisw, Michael J. • Powers, Frank E., Jr. • Raymond, Harold D. • Riddell, Charles G., Jr. • Ross, Gershon N. • Saville, Kenneth W. • Sharp, James E. • Thompson, Harold S. • Wadleigh, Thomas D. • Wilcox, Donald J. • Williams, Albert J.

Marker is at the intersection of Monument Avenue and Walker Road, on the left when traveling north on Monument Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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