Tecumseh's Headquarters

The Great Indian Chief Tecumseh headquartered near here for over a month after the unsuccessful British And Indian siege of Fort Meigs in Ohio, July 1813. The British strategy was to use the Indians at the River Raisin to slow down any American invasion of Canada from Ohio. The Indians had to take food and shelter from the settlement when they received no supplies from the British.

Tecumseh and his men withdrew to Canada shortly before refugees from the River Raisin led Col. Richard M. Johnson's Kentucky Cavalry into Frenchtown Sept. 27, 1813. It would be five years before the settlement was rebuilt after the devastation of the War of 1812.

Marker is at the intersection of Tremont Street and East Elm Avenue (Michigan Route 50), on the right when traveling south on Tremont Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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