Telephone Exchange


This building was constructed in 1909 by John W. Weatherford, the man who earlier built the adjacent Weatherford Hotel. It was the headquarters for the Arizona Overland Telephone Company, housing its offices and physical plant.

Construction started in July 1909 and was finished that fall. Locally produced materials were used, including lumber, Moenkopi sandstone and red brick.

The Overland Company replaced the Flagstaff Mutual Telephone Company, which had been a strictly in town operation with no long distance capacity. The Overland Company gave Flagstaff residents Arizona wide service. Overland was bought out by the bigger Mountain Bell Company in 1912. Mountain Bell remained in this building until 1930, when it moved into bigger quarters.

After the telephone company moved out, the building was remodeled for a restaurant. The LeBrae Café was placed over the original sandstone.

The present owners removed the stucco front in November 1994 and spent the following months restoring the building to its original look.

Marker is on North Leroux Street, on the right when traveling north.


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