The Andrews Raiders at Kingston

Apr. 12, 1862. James J. Andrews with 18 Ohio soldiers [US] in disguise, & 1 civilian, having seized the locomotive "GENERAL" at Big Shanty (KENNESAW) intending to wreck the State R.R., were forced to side track here & wait for the S. bound freights. After a long delay the "GENERAL" continued N..

Pursuing from Big Shanty, Capt. W. A. Fuller (Conductor), Jeff Cain (Engineer), & Anthony Murphy [CS], -- using a push-car -- reached the Etowah, where the engine "YONAH" brought them to Kingston; pursuit was resumed on the Rome R.R. locomotive " Wm. R. SMITH.”

Marker is at the intersection of Johnson Street and West Main Street, on the left when traveling north on Johnson Street.


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