The Battle of Cedar Mountain

The Awkward Position of the 21st Virginia

Without the leadership of either Generals Jackson or Winder, subordinate officers formed their men along the edge of woodlines where the ground offered a better field of fire. The men of the 21st Virginia were positioned here just inside the woodline, facing across this field, but they did not face the enemy to their left. About 5:30 p.m. Federal infantry under Gen. C.C. Auger attacked Confederates along the Crittenden Lane. The 21st Virginia found themselves perfectly aligned to fire right down the Federal line as it advanced across their front. Together with the fire of Confederates along the Crittenden Lane and plunging artillery fire from the shelf of Cedar Mountain, Auger's men were in a cross-fire, and the blue lines fell back.

In only a moment, the fortunes of the 21st Virginia were reversed. While Auger's men retreated, Federal troops under Gen. Samuel Crawford exploited a gap in the Confederate line. As his men drove back the troops to the left-front of where you are standing, their advance allowed them to fired into the backs of the men in the 21st Virginia. The 21st Virginia was swept from the field and Jackson's battle line was in peril.

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This material is based upon work assisted by a grant from the Department of the Interior, National Park Service. Any opinions, findings and conclusions or recommendations expressed in this material are those of the author(s) and do not necessarily reflect the views of the Department of the Interior.

Marker can be reached from the intersection of General Winder Road (County Route 657) and James Madison Highway (U.S. 15), on the right when traveling west.


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