The Court House

Powhatan County, Powhatan, Virginia

This Court House

1848-1849 was erected by order of court

in quarterly session entered on

the 6th day of March 1848

whereby for that purpose were appointed commissioners

John W. Nash - Wm. S. Dance

R.F. Graves - Philip St. George Cocke

The First Court House

1778 or thereabouts was erected at Scottville

here, and 1796 the adjacent brick building standing

in which was the office of Clerk of Court until 1950

1777 when the county was formed

Richard Ligon furnished the plat (1723 patent land) for

The Court House Square

This tablet was erected by the Board of Supervisors 1951

Marker can be reached from Old Buckingham Road (Virginia Route 13) 0.1 miles south of Courthouse Tavern Lane.


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