The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western Railroad Company

1851 - 1951

Commemorating the

100th Anniversary


The Delaware, Lackawanna & Western

Railroad Company

Here in Scranton, Pennsylvania was conceived and brought to successful completion the first segment of what is now the Delaware, Lackawanna, and Western Railroad, on which the first train was operated October 15, 1951.

To George Whitfield Scranton (1811-1861) who more than any other person is entitled to be called the "father" of this railroad, and to all employees, past and present, whose loyalty and devotion to duty have made possible the first hundred years of service to our patrons, neighbors and friends, we dedicate this plaque on October 15, 1951.

Board of Managers

M. Hartley Dodge - William White

Roy C. Gasser - Robert G. Fuller

Paul Moore - Lewis G. Harriman

Roy F. Tomlinson - Lee P. Stack

Arthur A. Houghton, Jr. - Ralph D. Jennison

Willard F. Place - William H. Moore

Robert W. Lea - W. Paul Stillman

William White, President

Marker is at the intersection of Jefferson Avenue and Spruce Street (U.S. 11), on the right when traveling south on Jefferson Avenue.


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