The Endview Spring

The Civil War at Endview

The fresh water bubbling from this natural spring has supported wildlife and the various residents on this property: Indian hunting parties, the Harwood/Curtis families, and military encampments. During the American Revolution, General George Washington’s soldiers stopped at Endview Plantation’s spring to quench their thirst on September 28, 1781. The Continental Army was advancing from Williamsburg to encircle the British garrison at Yorktown. According to family legend, the men drank so much water that a family servant warned Mrs. Harwood that the spring would go dry. Mrs. Harwood reportedly calmed her slave’s fear about the water supply, and the troops marched refreshed towards Yorktown.

The spring also made Endview Plantation an excellent location for organizing and training local volunteer units in the American Revolution, the War of 1812, and the Civil War. In addition, the spring provided water for the Confederate and Union hospitals located at Endview.

Marker can be reached from Yorktown Road (Virginia Route 238), on the right when traveling north.


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