The First Baptist Church Huntsville, Alabama
The First Baptist Church Huntsville Alabama
Oldest Baptist Church (Missionary) in Alabama organized June 3, 1809 as the West Fork of Flint River Church. Presiding Clergy:
John Canterbury, John McCutchen and John Nicholson.
Renamed Enon Church and called John Canterbury as 1st pastor 1809.
1st meetinghouse completed 1813, 1 mile NE of Meridianville, 2nd meetinghouse completed 1825, 3 miles NE of Meridianville.
Chartered member of Flint River Baptist Association 1814.
This historical marker erected 1983.
(continued from other side)
Hosted organizational meeting of Liberty Baptist Association November 1838. Built 3rd meetinghouse 1859-1869 at Clinton and Gallatin Sts. Pastor Eugene Strode led church to Huntsville 1861. Dedicated new building 1895. Relocated to this site 1963.
Completed new facilities with distinctive, modernistic architecture and Christian symbolism 1966.
Established eleven missions of which several became churches.
Charter member of Madison Baptist Association 1838.
Member of Alabama Baptist State Convention.
Marker is on Governors Drive (U.S. 431), on the right when traveling east.