The First Methodist Church in Anderson Was Built Here

—1827–1977— The pioneer Methodist Church of Anderson began meeting in homes in 1821 and was organized as a congregation in 1827. Their first primitive log church was on the southwest corner of 11th and Delaware Streets. In 1849 a new church was constructed on the northeast corner of 11th and Meridian. During 1871 the congregation moved into a new church located on the southeast corner of 11th and Meridian and it remained until the congregation built at 12th and Jackson Streets in 1900. This building was destroyed by fire on December 22, 1960 and on April 4, 1965 a new church was constructed on the same site.

John Wesley's words live on: "Is thy heart right, as my heart is with thine! I ask no further question. If it be, give me thy hand. For opinions or terms, let us not destroy the work of God. Dost thou love and serve God? It is enough. I give thee the right hand of fellowship."

Marker is at the intersection of Brown-Delaware Street and West 11th Street, on the right when traveling south on Brown-Delaware Street.


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