The Griffen Cannon and Memorial


The Griffen Cannon

One of 1400 guns made at Phoenix Iron

Company Shops between 1860 and 1865.

Invented by John Griffen

These 3 inch wrought iron rifled field

pieces served the Union forces with great

merit during the Civil War.


My Brothers

Walking over this hill leaving the past behind us and now begin our journey forward, looking toward the future.

I walk between my brothers. One has been loyal to the South, the other the North. I stand a little closer to my brother in gray because to me he is a little taller in his defeat. Looking toward him is my brother in blue. He does not wear the gloating smile of a victor, but shows instead the warm, understanding smile of a loving brother.

As we walk homeward, we pass by a damaged tree. In the next few years it will grow sparingly, then die. In its stead a new sprout will be given birth from the roots of the old, and in place of the damaged tree a young, vibrant one will live to grow tall and strong. Also, the war-ravaged farmhouse, which once was useful and proud, will be rebuilt by the hands of the hopeful.

And so, life goes on and time heals. As tomorrow becomes yesterday and the future becomes the past, our family also will heal.

These things I know, because these are my brothers.

Mural Painted by Joseph C. Hennesy


Griffen Gun Memorial

Dedicated as Phoenixville's

Civil War Centennial

Celebration May 11, 1963

This building was erected and given

to the Borough of Phoenixville by

the Phoenixville Lions Club.

The Griffen Gun was given to the

Borough by the Phoenix Steel Corp.

Many other donations were received

from various organizations and individuals.

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street and Third Avenue, on the left when traveling south on Main Street.


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