The Hermitage Landscape


At a time when limited resources led to smaller dwellings, the distinctions between indoor and outdoor life blurred. When Jackson lived in the log farmhouse, this area buzzed with dawn-to dusk activity, sounds and smells. Cramped housing for white and blacks forced the outdoors for work and relaxation. Here the enslaved workers cooked and stored food, did chores, and socialized. Archaeological evidence shows that the enslaved kept the work yard between the farmhouse and kitchen swept clean of grass and debris, and African American cultural tradition.

During his years in the farmhouse, Jackson planted 100 or more acres of cotton every year. He grew vegetables and cord to feed his family and enslaved workers and other crops to feed the livestock. As Jackson’s finances improved, additional slave cabins and new agricultural building dotted the Hermitage landscape. In his first three years on the property, Jackson also built a 125-gallon corn-whiskey distillery and a cotton gin and press that brought in additional income.

Marker can be reached from Rachel's Lane.


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