The Historic St Simons Light Station

Surley the most important aspect of

the lighthouse to the mariner is the light

that emanates from the tower. The tall, white

beacon also serves as a day-mark. The light,

a 1,000 watt electric bulb, is reflected by a

fixed 3rd Order Fresnel Lens

manufactured by L. Sautier of Paris. Four

flash panels, mounted around a fixed lens,

revolve around the bulb flashing one beam

per minute. The beam projects out 23 miles,

limited by the curvature of the earth.

Today, our lighthouse is under the

jurisdiction and care of the United States

Coast Guard, Aids to Navigation,Jacksonville

Beach, Florida. The preservation of the

historic structure on this site is the

responsibility of the Coastal Georgia

Historical Society.

Marker is on 101 12th Street, on the right when traveling south.


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