The Liberty

The armed schooner "Liberty", the first American Naval vessel officially commissioned early in July 1775 by a Provincial Congress, sailed from this port. She was commanded by Oliver Bowen and Joseph Habersham and carried ten carriage guns and fifty men. She flew the Liberty Flag, a white banner with a red border and the motto " American Liberty " imprinted on the field in large red letters. The "Liberty " made the first ordered capture in Southern waters of the

Revolution on July 9, 1775 when she took off Tybee [ Island]. The British vessel "Phillipa", commanded by Captain Richard Maitland. Of some six and one half tons of gunpowder taken, over half was sent north for use by the other colonies. The Georgia leaders, Bowen and Habersham went on to command the Georgia Continental Navy and the first Continential

Battalion respectively.

Marker is on East River Street, on the right when traveling east.


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