The Novotny Footbridge

Novotného Lavka

{Marker text in Czech:}

Novotného Lavka • Nazvaná mlyná?e Karla Novotného R. 1878. Lemuje ji soubor býv. Starom?stských mlýnu z let 1432-1436 s vodárenskou v?ží R. 1489, barokn? pr?stav?ný a po a bombardování R. 1848 rožší?ený. Po požáru .R. 1878 byly mlýny znovu p?estav?ny, z?ásti podle návhru Ignáce Ullmanna, vybudována vodárna dnes Smetanova Muzeum od Antonína Wiehla, sgrafitová výzdoba je od Františka Ženíška, Mikuláše Alše a Jana Kouly.

{Marker text translated into English, more or less:}

Novotny Footbridge – named after the miller Karl Novotny in 1878. The Old Town mills date from the years 1432-1436, with the addition of a water tower in 1489. Rebuilt in the the Baroque style after the 1848 bombardment, and expanded. After a fire in 1878, the Mills were rebuilt again, in part designed by Ignac Ullmann, with the water treatment plant (currently the Smetana Museum) by Antonin Wiehl, with sgraffito decoration [on the Museum] by Francis Zenisek, Nicholas Ales, and Jan Koula.

Marker is on Novotného Lávka just from Smetanovo Náb?, on the right when traveling west.


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