The Police Station

Built by Charles C "Carl" Cheek in early

1944 with the assistance of German Prisoners

of War who helped draw up the plan and

worked on the construction.

This police station was first used as a guard

house at the prisoner of war camp where the

Allendale and Barnwell Counties Disabilities

and Special Needs Board is Now Located at the

Corner of Hagood and Park Street.

After the War when the camp was dismantled,

the building was moved to the circle to serve

as a police station. Many "interesting"

conversations took place between senator

Edgar Brown and Speaker of the House Solomon

Blatt while sitting on the bench in front of

the station.

The old Barnwell Police Station was Given to the

Barnwell County Museum in Memory of the Ashley

Twins, Clarice and Ethel, by their sister,

Carrie Gene Ashley.

Marker is on Main Street, on the right when traveling west.


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