The Site of Washington’s Crossing

General George Washington and 2400 Continental soldiers crossed the icy Delaware River from Pennsylvania and landed at this spot on Christmas night 1776 on their way to attack the British mercenary force of Hessian soldiers at Trenton.

The last of the rebel soldiers, horses, and 18 cannon landed from the Durham and ferry boats in the pre-dawn hours of December 26 and assembled in a snowcovered field next to the nearby Ferry House. They made a surprise attack on Trenton at dawn, killing or wounding over 100 Hessians and capturing 900 along with their arms, ammunition, and artillery.

That afternoon the victorious but exhausted Continentals marched their prisoners back through the snow and re-crossed into Pennsylvania. The captured Hessians were marched through Philadelphia on New Years Day 1777. This victory, after so many defeats, renewed the spirits of the rebellious colonies and is recognized as “The Turning Point of the American Revolution.”

Marker is on River Drive, on the right when traveling north.


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