The State House

Built 1838–1861

A total of 15 commissioners, seven architects, and numberless artisans built this Grecian Doric State House of local limestone and brick from Indian mound clay at a cost of $1,359,121. Experts today marvel that so many diverse personalities could have produced what is nationally recognized a a “pure” and noble structure.

A cornerstone was laid July 4, 1839, in the “northeast angle of the foundation ...”, although there is no visual evidence of its existence.

Actual construction progressed during 15 of the 22 years required to complete the building. Political differences, a cholera epidemic, and labor difficulties caused delays. The legislature occupied the unfinished building on January 5 1857.

This monumental structure majestic in its simplicity, is truly an historic symbol of democratic government by free men.

Marker is at the intersection of Broad Street (U.S. 40) and High Street, on the right when traveling east on Broad Street.


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