The State House of South Carolina

[Left Inscription]

Construction of this State House was begun in 1855 and continued uninterruptedly to February 17, 1865 when Sherman burned Columbia.

Work was resumed in 1867 and carried on irregularly to 1900.

[Right Inscription]:

The architect of this State House was

John R. Niernsee

born in Vienna, Austria, May 27, 1823

Died in Columbia June 7, 1885

Buried in St. Peter's Churchyard

[National Historic Landmark Plaque]:

The State House of

South Carolina

Has been designated a

National Historic Landmark

This site possesses national significance in commemorating the history of the United States Of America


Marker can be reached from the intersection of Gervais Street (U.S. 1) and Main Street.


Credits and Sources: