The Trolley Station at Bayshore Park


The #26 streetcar brought thousands of Baltimoreans to Bayshore Park. Trolleys provided a convenient way for people to travel and could be chartered for group outings. Many people spent their vacations trolleying, using trolley maps to see where they could go on the Red Rocket.

Each day the first Bayshore Park trolley left for Baltimore at 6:40 am, and the last trolley left the park at 11:15 pm. A trolley stopped at Howard and Franklin streets every hour, starting at 7:00 am, to take passengers to the Park. From 1906-1942, round trip fare was 30 cents.

The trolley station at Bayshore Park is 208 feet long. Many of the features incorporated into the trolley station design were the same ones used in the design of a streetcar. For example, the station has the same number of spaces between posts as there are windows on a trolley. The station was restored to its original design in 1997 by the Department of Natural Resources in-house staff.

Marker is on Bay Shore Road, on the right when traveling west.


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