The Underground Railroad

1850 - - 1865

In memory of Fulton County Citizens who harbored fugitive slaves on their way to freedom in Canada. In Indiana, the underground railroad began along the Ohio River in 1850. After the Fugitive Slave Law was passed requiring citizens to help capture runaway enslaved persons. The underground railroad was the creation of those objecting to the law. It continued until the end of the Civil War in 1865. Hoosiers eventually set up a series of stations across the State to hide, to protect, and to pass on the next station these escaping slaves until, through Michigan, they reached Canada, where slavery was forbidden. The route of hideouts became known as the underground railroad. No records were kept of these escapees, but they numbered in the thousands.

Marker is at the intersection of Main Street and East 8th Street, on the right when traveling north on Main Street.


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