The Underground Railroad / Black Conductors of Columbus

The Underground Railroad was neither underground nor a

railroad, but a system of loosely connected safe havens

where those escaping the brutal conditions of slavery

were sheltered, fed, clothed, nursed, concealed, disguised,

and instructed during their journey to freedom. Although

this movement was one of America’s greatest social,

moral, and humanitarian endeavors, the details about it

were often cloaked in secrecy to protect those involved

from the retribution of civil law and slave-catchers.

Ohio’s history has been permanently

shaped by the thousands of runaway

slaves passing through or finding permanent residence in this state.

Black Conductors of Columbus.

Early legislators did not want slavery In Ohio, nor did they

want Blacks to settle here. Declaring people of color a menace,

they passed the Black Laws. Outside the Statehouse, Blacks

went unnoticed. The turnover of black waiters and porters at

the Buckeye House aroused no suspicion. White customers overlooked barbers James Poindexter and Andrew Redmond. No one

saw John T. Ward, clerk at Zettler’s. These men were invisible

to all but the desperate faces secreted in attics, barns, smokehouses, and in wagons traveling northward at night to Clintonville.

Teamsters Louis Washington and his son Thomas were drivers.

“The UGRR was actually going on here in Columbus when I

came in 1828,” recounted James Poindexter. Conductors David

Jenkins, NB Ferguson, and John Bookel were all members of

Poindexter’s Antislavery Baptist Church.

In 1842, John T. Ward began assisting Shepherd Alexander

to convey runaway slaves through Columbus. William Washington,

William Ferguson, Jeremiah Freeland, and others were involved

as well. “Some one or the other of us was with Alexander

on every trip,” stated Ward.

Marker is on 3rd Street south of Broad Street (U.S. 40), on the right when traveling south.


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