"The West Virginia Coal Miner"

Earl Ray Tomblin President Senate   

    Bob Wise  Governor       Robert S. Kiss, Speaker House of Delegates


By Resolution of the Seventy-Fourth Legislature   


"The West Virginia Coal Miner"

In honor and in recognition of the

men and women who have devoted a career,

some a lifetime, towards providing the state,

nation and the world with low-cost,

reliable household and industrial energy...

Let it be said that "Coal" is the fuel that

helped build the greatest country on earth,

has protected and preserved our freedom

and has enhanced our quality of life.

God Bless the West Virginia Coal Miner!

Dedicated this 4th day of December, 2002

Commissioned By the West Virginia Coal Forum

Designed and Sculptured by Burl Jones

General Contractors - G&G Builders Inc.

Marker can be reached from Washington Street East near Greenbrier Street (U.S. 60), on the right when traveling east.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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