The Wilder Home / The Little Books Began Here

(Side A) The Wilder Home 1928-1936

In 1928, after living abroad for several years, Rose Wilder Lane returned to her childhood home on Rocky Ridge Farm. With proceeds from her writings Rose built her parents a modern house. The keys were presented to Laura and Almanzo at Christmas, and Rose continued to live in the white farmhouse. By 1936 Rose had left Missouri for New York City. Her parents then returned to their original home. This part of the farm was sold. In 1990, the Wilder Association purchased the property. After restoration, the house was dedicated in 1997.

(Side B) The Little Books Began Here

While living here in the Rock House, Laura Ingalls Wilder started writing the Little House books which made her famous. With pencil, on five-cent tablets, she completed the following books: Little House in the Big Woods, Farmer Boy, Little House on the Prairie, and On the Banks of Plum Creek. During the same period, Rose Wilder Lane wrote extensively, including her best known novel Let the Hurricane Roar. First published as a serial in The Saturday Evening Post in 1932, it became a best selling book during the Depression years.


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