"this day being...the 4th of July"

The U.S. Army expedition led by Captains Meriwether Lewis and William Clark camped in this vicinity on July 4, 1804. In honor of the nation's 28th birthday, expedition members fired the swivel cannon on the bow of their keelboat once in the morning and at the end of the day. During the course of the day, they named two local streams - Fourth of July 1804 Creek and Independence Creek. This was the first time they celebrated the 4th of July during the expedition.

Clark wrote: "...as this Creek has no name, and this being...the 4th of July the day of the independance...call it 4th of July 1804 Creek..."

The expedition camped "...above the mouth of a Creek 20 yds wide this Creek we call Creek Independence..." An extra gill [four ounces] of whiskey was rationed to the men.

Expedition members turned out on the Fourth of July in striking regimental coats. Artist Michael Haynes depicts Captain Meriwether Lewis in full dress uniform at right.

During the expedition's journey west, impromptu ceremonies marked three holidays: Fourth of July, Christmas, and New Year's. Other occasions, such as Lewis' birthday, a notable discovery, or particularly difficult days were marked by issuing a dram of liquor.

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Lewis and Clark reenactors on the banks of the Missouri River.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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