
(Turks Islands Importers Ltd.)

Built in the 1860s, this building started life as a salt warehouse belonging to the Stubbs family who were the foremost plantation owners in the Caicos Islands and one of the foremost salt families of South Caicos and Grand Turk. On Grand Turk they rivaled the Frith brothers, and it is reputed that Mr. Stubbs built the warehouse after being goaded by the Friths that they owned Front Street. He, out of spite then decided to locate his salt warehouse directly in-between the Frith's two iron buildings at either end of Front Street so that they would have to cross Stubbs's property on the daily trip between their establishments.

The building later became the home of the Turks Island Importers Ltd. This company was formerly the 'Competent Authority' that was set up circa 1940 to control the importation and distribution of food in the colony during World War II. It was a government statuary body and was renamed after it was sold in 1952. It is the oldest food importing company on the Island but no longer the largest. The company is now owned by 'La Scelles de Marco' of Jamaica and has been managed by the Mangnus brothers since 1975.

Marker is on Front Street just north of Darrell's Alley, on the right when traveling north.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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