Tippecanoe Battlefield Memorial

[[ Panel One ]]

American Forces.

Men engaged. 910.

General Wm. Henry Harrison Commanding attacked at 4: O’Clock A. M. Indian forces led by Prophet. Number engaged about the same as Americans

Loss. Americans. Killed 37.

“ Wounded 151.

Indian loss unknown.

[[ Panel Two ]]

* * * Privates Killed in Action * * *

[ Row One ]

James Asberry ? Edwared Butner ? Jonathan Crewell ? Thomas Clendennan ? William Davis ? Peter Hanks ? Henry Jones ? William King ? Daniel Lee ? William Meehan ? Jack Obah ? Kader Powell ? John Sandborn ? Joseph Smith ? William Tissler ? Ira T. Trowbridge ? Joseph Warnock ? Abraham Wood

[ Row Two ]

Francis Bonah ? Joseph Burditt ? Levi Cary ? Marshall Dunken ? Dexter Earll ? Henry Hickey ? David Kearns ? Abraham Kelly ? Daniel McMickle ? Isaac M. Nute ? John Owsley ? Amos Royce ? Samuel Sand ? James Summerville ? Lewis Taylor ? Joseph Tibbetts ? Leman E. Welch ? Isaac White • John Yeomans ? John McCoy

[[ Panel Three ]]

* * * Officers Killed * * *

Colonel - - Abram Owen ? Major - - Joseph H. Daviess ? Captain - - Jacob Warrick ? Captain - - Spier Spencer ? Lieutenant - - Richard McMahan ? Lieutenant - - Thomas Berry ? Corporal - - James Mitchell ? Corporal - - Stephen Mars ? Captain - - Wm. C. Baen

Honorable John Tipton who fought in this battle donated these grounds to the State of Indiana November 7, 1836


J. Frank Hanly ? Job S. Sims ? Wesley E. Wells ? A. A. Jones

[[ Panel Four ]]

General William Henry Harrison

Erected jointly by the Nation and the State.

In memory of the Heroes who lost their lives in the


November 7, 1811

This monument completed and dedicated

November 7, 1908

Marker is at the intersection of Battleground Avenue and Railroad Street, on the left when traveling north on Battleground Avenue.

Courtesy hmdb.org

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