Tippecanoe County War Memorial

(South Face, Center Panel)

Civil War • Spanish American War • Mexican War • World War I • World War II.

This memorial is dedicated to all those from

Tippecanoe County who in the Armed Service of all wars made the

Supreme Sacrifice in defense of our Country

John Acheson • Wilbur E. Acheson • Edgar S. Ainslie • William Akers • Seifert Alexander • John R. Alting • Nelson D. Anderson • Ralph W. Anderson • William H. Arnold • William Ashby • Cyrus J. Askron • James W. Ault • Fred F. Babb • John Babcock • Oren Paul Baker • Roger Baker • Joseph Ball • John R. Bancroft • Grover A. Barker • Ernest E. Barrett • John Barth • Walter Bartholomew • Henry V. Baumgardt, Jr. • Theodore Baumgardt • Thomas Beal • Wayne M. Beann • Allen D. Beasley • Clare R. Beeler • Walter J. Behrens • Charles Bellair • George Besser • Stark Bethel • Herman C. Beutler • Floyd Ellsworth Bigelow • Thomas Billingsly • Alfred Birt • Jacob Blickenstaff • George W. Blue • John W. Bogg • Charles P. Bond • Joseph Boony • Clarence R. Booth • William H. Bossard • James J. Boswell • Edward Bottom

William T. Bowling • James Frederick Bowsher • Felix Brandrey • Corbin J. Branham • Gerald L. Brewer • James W. Bridgeland • James Britt • Robert A. Broadie • Colonel A. Brooks, II • Clement Brown • Patrick H. Brown • Paul W. Brown • William E. Brown • Lewis Browning • Calvin L. Bruner • Robert T. Brunson • Willard N. Buck • Robert A. Burke • Peter Burkhalter • Kenneth A. Burkhardt • Herman A. Burnett • David F. Bush • George Butler • James D. Butler • Duane James Byrn • Paul R. Cain • Sister M. Camilla (Auxilliary Army Nurse) • Frank M. Campbell • George N. Campbell • John Campbell • Lawery Campbell • James Carnaham • William B. Carroll • Jacob Cartmill • William Cartmill • Robert M. Cassady • Isaac N. Chalmers • John W. Chancy • Roy R. Cheesman • Isaac M. Chenoweth • James Chissom • Henry J. Clement • David Clevinger • Thornton Clevinger • James W. Cole

John B. Cole • Robert Charles Coleman • William L. Coleman • William G. Collins • Howard N. Conard • James Connell • Patrick Connell • Charles R. Cooley • Nicholas C. Coons • Dean W. Cooper • Nicholas Cops • Robert Lee Corbin • Egbert C. Corkins • Michael Costello • William J. Cottingham • William H. Courtney • William M. Covert • John H. Cowen, Jr. • William E. Cox • Artus Cramer • James Cramer • William J. Crane • George Crapp • Richard D. Crawford • Albert Creek • Joseph J. Cross • Harry R. Crowell, Jr. • Elias Cupps • Frederick Wm. Dautel • William D. Davis • William J. Davis • Chester Ross DeBoy • Eli Deeds • Delbert R. Deitrick • Elisha Derrick • Erastus Dewey • Waldo R. Dickens • Mathias Dickey • James B. Dix • Noah Dota • Solomon Downing • Daniel Driscoll • Solomon Drought • Pierce Dunue • John E. Dye

Lewis Eaton • Paul J. Eberle, Jr. • John R. Eddy • Henry J. Eldridge • Rempt Elenga • Charles T. Elliott • Scott Elliott • Allan H. Elward • William Enclerton • Harry J. Englert • Everett A. Erb • Augustus Erickson • Benjamin Evans • James W. Evans • Jefferson W. Evans • Maynard Evans • Robert T. Ewing • John T. Eylens, Jr. • Richard J. Fahnestock • Donald E. Fairchild • Robert Farrier • John S. Ferguson • Raymond L. Finch • Elisha B. Fisher • Esau Fisher • Patrick Flannigan • William D. Force • Marion J. Foreman • Edward Bennett Foresman • Richard T. Foster • Dewey Francis • John William Frank • James E. Freel • James Freeman • Norman M. Fry • Chester Fudge • Milton H. Fuller • Robert W. Funkhouser • Robert T. Gagen • Edward Galloway • Laroy Arthur Gangel • Frank B. Gault • James C. Gaunt • Peter Gearhart • Peter Gibbons

John L. Gibson • William Gilbert • Eugene D. Giles • Charles E. Gilmore • Harrison Girley • Russell C. Golden • George E. Goris, Jr. • Albert Graves • Clarence B. Graves • Jacob Graves • Earnest Lynn Gray • Roland Mac Gray • Elias Greeno • Frederick Greve, III • Clyde L. Griffin • Frank Griffin • John Hacketon • William C. Haffner, Jr. • David Haggerty • Francis E. Haley • George W. Hall • Joshua Hallowell • James H. Haltz • John A. Hamilton • Kenneth Eugene Hamilton • Daniel Hanson • George Harman • Wilson Harner • Roy E. Hart • Ronald A. Harte • Edward John Harty • David P. Harvey • Robert B. Hatter • Daniel Hattier • John Hawk • Forest G. Haynes • Henry L. Hazlerigg • David Headly • Emmet John Hendrickson • John Henry • L. R. Hibbard • Dilver Hickman • Abram Hight • Robert L. Hiler • Samuel Hill

Ralph Dewey Hilt • Howard E. Hines • James Anderson Holloway • William R. Holstien • Eugene L. Howard • Gayle Howard • John Howard • Joshua H. Howard • Martin P. Howard • Ralph W. Huckleberry • John W. Hudson • Absalom Huffman • Richard Hulls • Cornelius Hunt • Harrison D. Hurley • Clifford E. Hutson • William B. Hutton • Edward H. Jackson • Milton M. Jackson • Harrison Jennings • Alexandria Jester • Robert H. Johnson • Harold M. Jones • John L. Jones • James K. Kaiser • Richard O. Kantz • Richard C. Kellar • William Kenefich • John B. Kennedy, Jr. • Michal Kennedy • George D. Kent • James Russell Kent • Edward A. Kercher • Victor L. Kercher • Wayne A. Kepner • Howard C. Kilgore • James Kilgore • Amos C. Kimble • Leland M. Kimbrell • Charles E. King • Paul King • Absalom Kirkpatrick • James N. Kirkpatrick • Norman H. Kirkpatrick • Richard A. Kirkpatrick

Sponsored by

Tippecanoe County Post No. 1154 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.A.

Assisted by

Citizens and Organizations of this County

May 30, 1949

(South Face, Left Plaque)


This memorial is dedicated to all those from Tippecanoe County who in the armed service made the Supreme Sacrifice in defense of their Country during the Vietnam Era

Mary Therese Klinker - Air Force Nurse • James D. Basham • Steven R. Brooks • Dennis L. Burton • Robert C. Burton • Ronald D. Carey • William A. Carter • Dennis W. Cripe • Garrison D. Fields • Alfred J. Foster • Robert J. Hardesty •

William J. Halsmer • David L. Howard • William R. Jennett • David A. Johnson • James F. Kaser

Alva E. Kemmer • Charles A. Knochel • James A. Kummings • David A. Liste • Randall H. Loy • Robert L. Mann • David A. Moore • Thomas H. Nerini • Thomas Pierson • Eddie R. Rayburn • Doyle E. Sallee • Lawrence A. Sanders • David W. Smith • John W. Snouwaert • Donald L. Valentine • William H. Vaught, III • Robert L. Wade

Sponsored by: Memorial Day Association, Henry P. Englert, Jr., Chairman • Assisted by: Citizens and Organizations of this County

(South Face, Right Plaque)

Korean Conflict

This memorial is dedicated to all those from Tippecanoe County who in the Armed Service made the Supreme Sacrifice in defense of their Country during the Korean Conflict.

James D. Adams • Dallas L. Aynes • James E. Beever • Francis A. Boehle • George R. Chadwell • Howard D. Dalton • Clarence M. Dowell • Harry E. Erickson • Frank W. Fisher • Roy C. Frazier • Richard A. Griner • Frank D. Hines • Robert N. Hinkel • Wilbert R. Idle

Forrest M. Link • Donald E. Lockard • Charles E. Long • Robert G. Minniear • Harley M. Misner • Thomas Moore • Leroy W. Potter • Eugene I. Roberts • Ronald F. Rush • Harry D. Shelton • Andrew Shields • Eugene R. Voyles • Merble E. Wilson

Sponsored by: Memorial Day Association, Henry P. Englert, Jr., Chairman • Assisted by: Citizens and Organizations of this County

(North Face, Center Panel)

Civil War • Spanish American War • Mexican War • World War I • World War II.

This memorial is dedicated to all those from

Tippecanoe County who in the Armed Service of all wars made the

Supreme Sacrifice in defense of our Country.

Preston Kiser • George W. Klaverenga • Joseph Klepinger • Walter R. Klepinger, Jr. • John Koch • Herman J. Kolkana • Hiram Koon • Paul E. Kopf • William J. Korty • Dennis Lairy • Clarence Lawson, Jr. • Clark Layton • Robert J. Leach • Arthur O. Leaf • Israel Lebo • James Ledman • Louis Wm. Lehnen • Edward A. Lemond • Harry E. Leslie • Ernest Wilson Levering • Curtis E. Lewis • Dean B. Lewis • Roberts E. Lingle • Glenn Little • Joseph R. Lockard • John Lowenthal • Ephriam Loman • Peter Long • John Loring • Jacob Loucks • Nehemiah Lower • Albert F. Loy • Barton Lucas • Lyman D. Luce • Herman Luehlhoff • Robert W. Lynch • Owen Lyons • Paul L. Macy • James Shaw Maddox • Edward Maguire • Robert M. Mann • John Mansfield • Daniel L. Manwarring • Reuben C. Marshall, Jr. • Joseph Martin • Joseph C. Martin

Theodore B. Marxson • Gordon E. Mather • Samuel T. Matlock • Rex Matson • Samuel Matter • William Matter • Ralph V. Mauck • John McCallion • John W. McFarland • Robert Leo McGrath • Wallace J. McGuire • Albert C. McLochlin • Leslie J. McNair • James McVicker • William Meek • William John Memmer • Harry Burton Messenger • Joseph F. Metzer, Jr. • Richard G. Michael • Nelson Michael • Earl V. Miller • Harold E. Miller • Jack B. Miller • Jack L. Miller • Jacob Miller • Notham Miller • Robert P. Miller • Robert T. Miller • James O. Mills • Charles Minix • Hubert G. Misner • Albert Mitchell • Dwight S. Mitchell, Jr. • John H. Montgomery • Elijah E. Moore • Israel More • William W. Morehouse • James Morrison • Stanley O. Morrison • Robert F. Morse • Joseph Mount • Albert F. Myer • Michael G. Neill • Salathiel Neisham • John Nelson, Jr. • James W. Newport

Nelson Newton • Paul E. Newton • Carl C. Nydegger • Henry Obermeyer • Michael O’Brien • James H. O’Connor • Henry C. Ogan • William E. Ogborn • Adam S. Ogg • Abraham Oliver • James Oliver • Henry C. Orr • Frank Phillip Ostheimer • Clifford E. Owen • Glenn C. Owen • William Lambert Owens • Branson Packard • Garlan A. Packard • Harlan G. Palmer • Richard Parish • Benjamin Parker • Burns O. Parks • John Parks • Thomas J. Patterson • Joseph C. Pattison • Joseph Patton • William E. Payne • Samuel Peigh • Frank Perkins • Eli Peter • Gustus Peterson • J. Paul Peterson • Paris H. Peterson • George A. Pfrommer • Fred Gilbert Phillips • James C. Pierce • James S. Pierce • Robert C. Pirtle • Chester E. Platt • John L. Platt, Jr. • Robert L. Plumb • George Porter • James W. Porter • Patrick Powers • Melvin G. Prather • John Probasco

Thomas Quaintance • Henry Quigley • Michael Rafferty • Joseph G. Rainer • Thomas Ramsey • Ralph Scott Ray • William E. Reagan • John K. Rector • Silas Otto Rector • Joseph Redden • Marion E. Reece • Charles C. Reed • James O. Reed • Francis H. Reid • Raymond Frederick Reitemeier • Francis Renfrow • Robert M. Reser • Leland Reynolds • Marcellus Reynolds • Avery Riggs • J. Lee Riley, Jr. • Joseph Riley • (Added) John W. Riley, Jr. • Earl A. Rinehart • Samuel Lee Ritchie • James Rizer • Frank W. Robertson • Kenneth W. Robertson • Notley N. Robey • Jack C. Robinson • William Robinson • Harry Rock • George Rogers • James B. Rohrabaugh • William R. Rosa • Willaim Rose • Clarence Roth • Elmer Earl Rothenberger • Harry R. Roush • Patrick Rowley • William E. Russ • Daniel R. Russell • Donald H. Russell • Patrick J. Ryan • David W. Schaffner • Wilfred I. Schaich • James O. Scheffee

John M. Schnaible • Robert F. Schubert • Carl C. Schultz • Francis Selders • Valentine Seldmiller • John F. Sellenburg • Silas Fred Shaffer • Chester L. Shank • Colonel Sharp • Thomas Sharp • William Shellington • Paul T. Shepherd • Theodore W. Shigley • Abraham Sidla • Robert B. Simpson • Lewis L. Sisson • Godfrey R. Sloan • Joshua M. Smith • Lee W. Smith • Louis L. Smith • Reed L. Smith • Samuel Smith • Nathan Snider • James W. Spear • Kenneth W. Sprankle • Joseph Stall • John Stanfield • John Staunton • Henry K. Stebbins • Gerry J. Steill, Jr. • William P. Stephenson • Eli Stevenson • Andrew G. Stivers • John H. Stook • Donald W. Strasburger • Eugene O. Sullivan • Robert D. Swan • James A. Taggart • Francis M. Taylor • Francis Marion Taylor • George Taylor • Nathaniel Taylor • Rose G. Taylor • Frank Temple • Frank Terwilliger

George W. Thayer • John L. Thomas • John Thompson • William Thornal • H. Joseph Thornton • William R. Todd • Tilghman Travis • Luther C. Treece • John D. Troutman • William S. Truett • Donald E. Turnipseed • James G. Ulrich • Mahlon Robert Unger • William S. Vanscheppen • Glenn Daniel Vernon • John Martin Vester • Oliver Virden • Dale A. Vonseggern • Michael Waddick • William H. Wade • Robert J. Wagner • White S. Walgemouth • Edwards Wallace • George Melvin Walter • Robert A. Watkins • Charles Watters • Leon Weir • John R. Westlake • Thomas J. Westlake • Amos E. Wheeler • Adam Whitmore • Oliver P. Wilcox • Anthony A. Wilken • Nathan Williams • Ralph Williams • Martin Williamson • Pleasant A. Willitts • Sylvanus C. Wilson • Henry Winkler • Emil Paul Wiser • Joshua Wood • Thomas Wood • William H. Wood • William Wooley • Jesse O. York

Sponsored by

Tippecanoe County Post No. 1154 Veterans of Foreign Wars of the U.S.A. •

Assisted by

Citizens and Organizations of this County

May 30, 1949

(Small plaque below south face, in flower bed)

In memory of our Gulf War Veterans

2LT. Lorraine Lawton

(Small plaque below north face, in flower bed, on the left)

Landscaping in this memorial donated by

Lafayette Chapter No. 33 of Mothers of World War I

(Small plaque below north face, in flower bed, on the Right)

Berlin Airlift Operation 1948 – 1949

In memory of those who made

the supreme sacrifice for their Nation

AD/3 Harry Crites, Jr. •

SGT Bernard Watkins

Donated by the Tippecanoe County Veterans Council •

Researched by: Katherine Shafer / Joanna Smelser •

May 28th, 2000

(At entrance to Memorial Island)

Tippecanoe County War Memorial

• Created by Curtis Cointerman, Park Supt. In cooperation with Bert E. Loeb in 1944.

• Sponsored by “Veterans of Foreign Wars, Post 1154 and Auxiliary” Commander Harold Foster, Robert Binz Financial Sec’y.

• Estimate given for project, the funds were contributed by 8,972

patriotic citizens of this County during 1944.

Building non-essential to War Effort was prohibited until 1948.

During this period of time material & labor costs had

inflated & a fountain originally planned, was omitted for lack of funds.

• Lloyd Moser, Designer

• Walter Scholer & Assoc. Inc., Architects

• A. E. & Harry Kemmer, Builders

Project completed 1971

(Plaque at base of fountain)

June A. Loeb Memorial Fountain

1900 – 1970

• Donated by Bert E. Loeb

In loving memory of his devoted wife June

for Forty - Nine years

• Dedicated June 20, 1971

Lafayette Board of Parks & Recreation

1948 •

Richard Burke

• Albert Kaser •

Joseph Rush Jr. •

Floyd Wrightsman •

Gus Clement, Supt.

Lafayette Board of Parks & Recreation 1971 •

Orville Dowell •

John Lamstra •

Phillip Kelley •

Joseph Rush Jr. •

J. C. Lyboult - Dir. Of Parks & Rec.

Marker can be reached from Scott Street north of Main Street.

Courtesy hmdb.org

Credits and Sources: