
In the early 60's Elijah Sarvers, a solitary goatherd, was the first non-Indian here. In 1866 the Woods Bros. began making shakes on Pine Ridge, hiring Indians to carry them down the mountain. In 1867 the county granted them a franchise to build a toll road and fixed the rates. As more mills sprang up a village grew around the toll house. The county bought the road in 1878 and its use became free. It was so steep that despite the great skill of the long line teamsters, an occasional outfit would be lost, yet most of the lumber to build early Fresno came down it. It was replaced by the present road in 1923. Now the new Freeway nears completion.

Jim Savage Chapter 1852

E Clampus Vitus

October 19, 1969

Marker is on Tollhouse Road, on the right when traveling east.


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