Tower House Hotel

Across the footbridge past the Camden House, towards Hwy 299, is approximately where the Tower House Hotel stood. However, nothing remains of the hotel due to a fire in 1919.

In 1852, Levi Tower bought the property for $575 and built the hotel, incorporating into it a log house called the Free Bridge House. The hotel was three stories tall and had 21 rooms. Tower was well liked, and a great host, cordial and friendly. Entertainment at the hotel was lavish, known for its high standard of service and graciousness. Levi Tower’s brother Jason Tower helped with the hotel as well. Extensive orchards around the hotel had around 1000 trees (cherry, apple, peach, pears), plus huge vegetable gardens. The area also had hundreds of pigs, chickens, and sheep.

In 1859, Tower lost hotel due to business losses, and Charles Camden bought the hotel and leased it to Tower to run. However, by 1861, Tower declared bankruptcy and left the local area. Camden decided to sell the Tower House in 1869. While it was a running hotel, the Tower House complex included a dance hall, store, barns, carriage and blacksmith shop. Before losing the hotel, and due to its popularity, Tower charged a toll on the bridge across Clear Creek. Even the California Stage Company used the area as a station, stopping before going to Yreka and Weaverville.

Credits and Sources:

“Sketches of Levi and Charles, Tower House Historic District: A Field Trip Journal Teacher’s Edition.” National Park Service, (accessed June 27, 2015).